“Joon Bi” – Begin in the proper ready stance.
- Turn left 90 degrees into a walking stance with left foot forward, left low block.
- Step forward into a walking stance with right foot forward, right-hand middle punch.
- Turn right 180 degrees into a walking stance with right foot forward, right low block.
- Step forward into a walking stance with left foot forward, left-hand middle punch.
- Turn left 90 degrees into a front stance with left foot forward, left low block, right middle punch.
- Turn right 90 degrees into a walking stance with right foot forward, left inside block.
- Step forward into a walking stance with left foot forward, right-hand middle punch.
- Turn left 180 degrees into a walking stance with left foot forward, right inside block.
- Step forward into a walking stance with right foot forward, left-hand middle punch.
- Turn right 90 degrees into a front stance with right foot forward, right low block.
- Left middle punch.
- Turn left 90 degrees into a walking stance with left foot forward, left high block.
- Right front kick, foot placed down into walking stance with right foot forward.
- Right middle punch.
- Turn right 180 degrees into a walking stance with right foot forward, right high block.
- Left front kick, foot placed down into walking stance with left foot forward, left middle punch.
- Turn right 90 degrees into a front stance with left foot forward, left low block.
- Step forward into a front stance with right foot forward, right middle punch, Kihap.
“Bah Ro” – The judge or instructor will give the Korean command for “Return”. This means to return to the appropriate ready stance.
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